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Herstory is an intergenerational oral history project pairing students in high school and college with older women who have ties to New Bedford’s fishing community. Students participated in a series of workshops to learn how to conduct interviews and to better understand the aging process. They completed interviews with seventeen extraordinary older women who shared inspiring stories about their hopes and heartbreaks, struggles and successes. The oral histories also reflect the varied and important roles of women on New Bedford’s waterfront. This exhibit, co-curated by the students, features excerpts from the interviews and family photographs shared by the women who were interviewed.

We are grateful to the Association for the Relief of Aged Women and the Women’s Fund SouthCoast for their support of this project. 

Explore Our Stories

Year One Interviews

Ruth Blount

Donna Collins

diane edwards crop

Diane Edwards

Charlotte Enoksen

Lillian Henriksen

#10 Carol Anne Tollefsen Hoagland

Carol Hoagland

Ewa Liput

Angela Tapper Natho

Judy Ramos

Mary Celeste Vieira

Year Two Interviews

Betty Joyce Pacheco now Elizabeth Belanger 1962

Elizabeth Belanger

Bouchard Wedding Portrait

Martha Bouchard

Image of Vanessa, circa 1999

Vanessa Chaput

Tina and Liz Sept 24 2022 FB post Cropped to show Tina

Christina Jacobsen deVilliers

20240122_152524 Joann in Wheelhouse

Joann Longden

Eleanor Portrait in her 20's

Eleanor Mello

20240313_154804 Aubrey and Barbara cropped

Barbara Murray

Do you or does someone you know have a story to share?

Interested in learning more about the many roles of women on the waterfront?

See our digital exhibit Women’s Work: At Sea, On Shore, At Home, and In the Community

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